Books of the Bible


Books by their Biblical Order
Order Full Name Abbreviations * Chapters
1 Genesis Gen, Gn 50
2 Exodus Ex, Exo, Exod 40
3 Leviticus Lev, Lv 27
4 Numbers Num, Nm, Nu 36
5 Deuteronomy Deut, Dt 34
6 Joshua Josh, Jos, Jsh 24
7 Judges Judg, Jdg 21
8 Ruth Ruth, Rth 4
9 1 Samuel 1 Sam, 1 Sm 31
10 2 Samuel 2 Sam, 2 Sm 24
11 1 Kings 1 Ki 22
12 2 Kings 2 Ki 25
13 1 Chronicles 1 Chron, 1 Chr 29
14 2 Chronicles 2 Chron, 2 Chr 36
15 Ezra Ezr, Ez 10
16 Nehemiah Neh, Ne 13
17 Esther Esth, Est 10
18 Job Jb 42
19 Psalms Ps 150
20 Proverbs Pro, Prov 31
21 Ecclesiastes Ecc, Ec 12
22 Song of Solomon Song, SOS 8
23 Isaiah Isa, Is 66
24 Jeremiah Jer, Je 52
25 Lamentations Lam 48
26 Ezekiel Eze, Ezek 12
27 Daniel Dan, Dn 5
28 Hosea Hos 14
29 Joel Jl 3
30 Amos Am, Ams 9
31 Obadiah Obad, Ob 1
32 Jonah Jon, Jnh 4
33 Micah Mic, Mch 7
34 Nahum Nah, Nh, Nhm 3
35 Habakkuk Hab, Hb 3
36 Zephaniah Zeph, Zep 3
37 Haggai Hag, Hg 2
38 Zechariah Zech, Zec 14
39 Malachi Mal, Ml 4
40 Matthew Matt, Mt 28
41 Mark Mark, Mk 16
42 Luke Lk, Lu 24
43 John Jn 21
44 Acts Act, Ac 28
45 Romans Rom, Rm 16
46 1 Corinthians 1 Cor 16
47 2 Corinthians 2 Cor 13
48 Galatians Gal 6
49 Ephesians Eph, Ephes 6
50 Philippians Phil, Php 4
51 Colossians Col 4
52 1 Thessalonians 1 Thess 5
53 2 Thessalonians 2 Thess 3
54 1 Timothy 1 Tim 6
55 2 Timothy 2 Tim 4
56 Titus Tit 3
57 Philemon Phile, Phm, Phlm 1
58 Hebrews Heb 13
59 James Jas, Jm 5
60 1 Peter 1 Pet, 1 Pt 5
61 2 Peter 2 Pet, 2 Pt 3
62 1 John 1 Jn 5
63 2 John 2 Jn 1
64 3 John 3 Jn 1
65 Jude Jud 1
66 Revelation Rev 22


Books in Alphabetical Order
Order Full Name Abbreviations * Chapters Preceded By Followed By OT or NT
13 1 Chronicles 1 Chron, 1 Chr 29 2 Kings 2 Chronicles Old Testament
46 1 Corinthians 1 Cor 16 Romans 2 Corinthians New Testament
62 1 John 1 Jn 5 2 Peter 2 John New Testament
11 1 Kings 1 Ki 22 2 Samuel 2 Kings Old Testament
60 1 Peter 1 Pet, 1 Pt 5 James 2 Peter New Testament
9 1 Samuel 1 Sam, 1 Sm 31 Ruth 2 Samuel Old Testament
52 1 Thessalonians 1 Thess 5 Colossians 2 Thessalonians New Testament
54 1 Timothy 1 Tim 6 2 Thessalonians 2 Timothy New Testament
14 2 Chronicles 2 Chron, 2 Chr 36 1 Chronicles Ezra Old Testament
47 2 Corinthians 2 Cor 13 1 Corinthians Galatians New Testament
63 2 John 2 Jn 1 1 John 3 John New Testament
12 2 Kings 2 Ki 25 1 Kings 1 Chronicles Old Testament
61 2 Peter 2 Pet, 2 Pt 3 1 Peter 1 John New Testament
10 2 Samuel 2 Sam, 2 Sm 24 1 Samuel 1 Kings Old Testament
53 2 Thessalonians 2 Thess 3 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy New Testament
55 2 Timothy 2 Tim 4 1 Timothy Titus New Testament
64 3 John 3 Jn 1 2 John Jude New Testament
44 Acts Act, Ac 28 John Romans New Testament
30 Amos Am, Ams 9 Joel Obadiah Old Testament
51 Colossians Col 4 Philippians 1 Thessalonians New Testament
27 Daniel Dan, Dn 5 Ezekiel Hosea Old Testament
5 Deuteronomy Deut, Dt 34 Numbers Joshua Old Testament
21 Ecclesiastes Ecc, Ec 12 Proverbs Song of Solomon Old Testament
49 Ephesians Eph, Ephes 6 Galatians Philippians New Testament
17 Esther Esth, Est 10 Nehemiah Job Old Testament
2 Exodus Ex, Exo, Exod 40 Genesis Leviticus Old Testament
26 Ezekiel Eze, Ezek 12 Lamentations Daniel Old Testament
15 Ezra Ezr, Ez 10 2 Chronicles Nehemiah Old Testament
48 Galatians Gal 6 2 Corinthians Ephesians New Testament
1 Genesis Gen, Gn 50 (none) Exodus Old Testament
35 Habakkuk Hab, Hb 3 Nahum Zephaniah Old Testament
37 Haggai Hag, Hg 2 Zephaniah Zechariah Old Testament
58 Hebrews Heb 13 Philemon James New Testament
28 Hosea Hos 14 Daniel Joel Old Testament
23 Isaiah Isa, Is 66 Song of Solomon Jeremiah Old Testament
59 James Jas, Jm 5 Hebrews 1 Peter New Testament
24 Jeremiah Jer, Je 52 Isaiah Lamentations Old Testament
18 Job Jb 42 Esther Psalms Old Testament
29 Joel Jl 3 Hosea Amos Old Testament
43 John Jn 21 Luke Acts New Testament
32 Jonah Jon, Jnh 4 Obadiah Micah Old Testament
6 Joshua Josh, Jos, Jsh 24 Deuteronomy Judges Old Testament
65 Jude Jud 1 3 John Revelation New Testament
7 Judges Judg, Jdg 21 Joshua Ruth Old Testament
25 Lamentations Lam 48 Jeremiah Ezekiel Old Testament
3 Leviticus Lev, Lv 27 Exodus Numbers Old Testament
42 Luke Lk, Lu 24 Mark John New Testament
39 Malachi Mal, Ml 4 Zechariah Matthew New Testament
41 Mark Mark, Mk 16 Matthew Luke New Testament
40 Matthew Matt, Mt 28 Malachi Mark New Testament
33 Micah Mic, Mch 7 Jonah Nahum Old Testament
34 Nahum Nah, Nh, Nhm 3 Micah Habakkuk Old Testament
16 Nehemiah Neh, Ne 13 Ezra Esther Old Testament
4 Numbers Num, Nm, Nu 36 Leviticus Deuteronomy Old Testament
31 Obadiah Obad, Ob 1 Amos Jonah Old Testament
57 Philemon Phile, Phm, Phlm 1 Titus Hebrews New Testament
50 Philippians Phil, Php 4 Ephesians Colossians New Testament
20 Proverbs Pro, Prov 31 Psalms Ecclesiastes Old Testament
19 Psalms Ps 150 Job Proverbs Old Testament
66 Revelation Rev 22 Jude (none) New Testament
45 Romans Rom, Rm 16 Acts 1 Corinthians New Testament
8 Ruth Ruth, Rth 4 Judges 1 Samuel Old Testament
22 Song of Solomon Song, SOS 8 Ecclesiastes Isaiah Old Testament
56 Titus Tit 3 2 Timothy Philemon New Testament
38 Zechariah Zech, Zec 14 Haggai Malachi Old Testament
36 Zephaniah Zeph, Zep 3 Habakkuk Haggai Old Testament

* These abbreviations are recognized by the Bible SuperSearch software.

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Updated: March 29, 2019 — 11:18 PM