If you’re seeing this, then you are on the new Preserved Word Ministry website. We have completely rebuilt our website from the ground up, and hope that it will now provide a much better experience for users. However, we are still working on verifying content that has been imported from our old site. If you […]
PWM News
News about the latest happenings here at Preserved Word Ministries, and brief commentaries on national news.
Pertinent Radio Shows Week of Oct 30 - Nov 5
Featured Radio Shows, Week Of Oct 30 – Nov 5, 2011 Crosstalk, Nov 2. CDC Recommends Controversial HPV Vaccine for Boys While this show is primarily about the HPV vaccine, it also covers the progression toward forced vacination. Insurance companies are now denying coverage and doctors are denying service to those who refuse vaccines. […]
Most Subscription Content Now Free
In an effort to restructure this website, and make our content more accessible, we have made most of the subscriber content free. We are currently moving away from the subscription system, and to a system where most of our content is free. Our premium research will be made available as paid eBooks in our store, […]
Free Subscription Offer and Other Changes
We are doing some research on people’s views on the Bible. If you will help us out by reading an article, and taking two surveys, you will be given a free, 3 month subscription to our subscription services. If you have a current subscription, it will be extended by three months. With this free subscription, […]
New Content Added, Other Content Made Free
I have added more content that was developed during the past semester, notably four sermon outlines, and an article on Bible husbands. I have also uploaded the audio of two short sermons preached recently. I have also made some of the subscription content free, and will make more free soon. However, sermon outlines and major […]
More content added.
I have added more content, namely four sermon outlines, an outline of Philippians, a Christian history timeline, and a short bio of Obadiah Holmes, who was persecuted in America during colonial times. These large dumps of content all at once will probably be the norm while I’m at Bible college, as opposed to the release […]
Sermon outlines posted Also: Christian history
I have just posted five sermon outlines. These may be of some use to you. I don’t recommend using them for sermons, however, unless you greatly expand them. I’m also working on an outline/commentary on Philippians, which is probably my favorite book. I have also started a section on Christian history, which will contain content […]
Subscription Content Being Restructured
After three months of writing two subscription articles a week, I realized that something had to change. First, I was finding little time to do my serious research as these “subscription” articles were eating up all my time. Second, some of the subscription articles were coming off rushed, and were not the best quality. I’ve […]
New and Updated Tracts
I have released a new tract entitled “Life Extension Technologies: Coming Soon,” targeted at transhumanists. It briefs technologies advocated by transhumanists for life extension (the technological content was derived from a transhumanist website), then explains that faith in Jesus Christ is the only guaranteed way to achieve eternal life. While targeted to transhumanists, this tract […]
New, Lower Subscription Price!
We are pleased to announce that we have cut our subscription price in half. A one year subscription is now less than $20. Also, order before the end of July, and get an additional $5 off. (Views: 1374)
Subscription Service Officially Launched Coming soon: Free Tracts
Preserved Word Ministries is pleased to announce that our subscription service is now officially launched. Also, we will be offering free tracts on Christianity, the Bible, and other tracts. Feel free to download, print and distribute these tracts. Our first tract, God's Preserved Word, is ready to be used. Please help inform others of the […]
Subscription Service Ready
My new subscription service is now running, and I will be adding more articles soon. The system is running in beta mode, there may still be some bugs in it. If you have an issue, please let me know. I will make a formal announcement when it is officially launched. (Views: 1340)
Site Under Construction Subscription service coming soon!
This site is under construction as I prepare to offer a subscription service. This subscription will provide access to hard-hitting articles written by myself and others. I will be writing 2-3 articles per week. I hope to eventually offer a print newsletter alongside the online subscription. Thank you for being patient as I make these […]
Dream: United States to Go Bankrupt?
Last night, I had a dream about America’s future. I dreamed I was listening to the radio, and I heard “The United States is bankrupt” or “The United States declared bankrupt.” Many analysts have predicted the same thing. Just today, I ready an article suggesting that 46 of the 50 states could go bankrupt as […]
New: Preserved Word Store
The Preserved Word Store has been officially launched. Currently available is Bible SuperSearch downloads, CDs and customization services. Look for more to come in the near future, including literature (the Bible Series), and additional website tools. Please support this ministry, buy from our store! You can visit the store here: www.preservedword.com/cart (Views: 1332)
A Preview of Obama’s Change
A preview of the “change” to be expected under Obama. Pass it on! Sodomites attack Church in Lansing, MI http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80743 Video: Gay Marriage Proponents Attack Elderly Woman http://www.infowars.com/?p=5908 Freedom of Choice Act http://www.prisonplanet.com/abortion-%E2%80%9Cwithout-government-interference%E2%80%9D.html Abortion Groups Confident Obama Will Push His Pro-Abortion Agenda http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=39050 Barry the Marxist infiltrator http://trunews.com/barry.htm Rahmn Emanuel’s Compulsory “Circle of Love” http://www.infowars.com/?p=5939 […]
PayPal Donations Discontinued
Due to issues with PayPal, as of today, Sept 11, 2008, I am no longer accepting donations through their system. The PayPal links will be removed from the websites by the end of today. (Views: 1529)
Revival of the Bible Series
The anointing has returned to work on the Bible Series, a series of articles on the Bible, including preservation, history, manuscript evidence supporting the KJV, and an answer to common criticism of the Bible. I have been working on this on and off for several years. This work will take several months to complete. I […]
Sept 11 Truth movement? Where is the truth?
I am aware of a growing movement that calls itself the “September 11 truth movement” or simply the “truth movement.” This movement seeks to find the truth behind government lies and propaganda, especially the terror attacks of Sept 11, 2001. They believe that the uncovering and publishing of this truth will lead to the prosecution […]
Dream: A terrible storm
I had a dream just last night about menacing dark storm clouds. It looked like it would drop a tornado at any time. Then I heard a loud clap of thunder, so terrible that it sounded like an explosion. Later, I saw storm warnings on the TV. A few dreams later, and I received a […]