A Timeline of Christian History

This is a timeline of Christian groups through out the ages who contended for the true faith, and opposed the counterfeit Christianity that developed into Roman Catholicism.   This timeline is by no means complete.

First Century

(32) – John the Baptist beheaded

(33) – Christ’s death and resurrection

(63) – Britain first reached with the Gospel.

(64) – Nero’s persecution begins.

(70) – Titus destroys Jerusalem.

(95) – Domitian’s persecution.

(96) – Clement of Rome

Second Century

(107) – Ignatius,disciple of John, Paul and Peter, martyred

(120) – first evidence of the Vaudois

(150) – Montanus converted.

(166) – Justin Martyr martyred.

(190) – Tertullian’s ministry

Third Century

(249) – Decius’ persecution.

(251) – Origin of the Novatanists, Novatian excommunicated

(260) – Conversion of the Goths begins

Forth Century

(312) – Constantine’s supposed conversion to Christianity.

(313) – End of Roman persecution.

(314) – Council of Arles against the Donatists.

(315) – Donatists separate from the emerging apostate church

(343) – Persecution against the Persian Christians.

(347-89) – Donatists banished, Macarean War begins against them.

(348) – Ulfilas, bishop, of the Goths. He produced a Gothic translation of the Bible.

Fifth Century

(405) – Patrick begins ministry to Ireland.

(411) – Conference with Augustine and the Donatists at Carthage

(416) – Infant baptism becomes required.

(440 – 461) – Leo I is the first Pope of the Roman Catholic institution.

Sixth Century

(565) – Columba (Irish missionary) preaching at Iona.

(589) – Columbanus (Irish missionary) preaching in France.

(589 – 615) – Ministry of Columbanus

Seventh Century

(635) – Scottish missionaries arrive in the Holy Land.

(660) – Origins of the Paulicians, with Constantine as leader.

(690) – Constantine (Paulician leader) stoned. 100,000 Paulicians martyred.

(700) – Albigenses arise as French Paulicians

Eighth Century

(720) – Bogomils arise as Balkin Paulicians.

(724) – Controversy over the veneration of images.

Ninth Century

(860-870) – Catholic conversion of Bulgarians, Bohemians, and Moravians.

Tenth Century

(912) – Clugny Order formed in response to the corruption of the popes.

(999) – Pope John XV expelled for infidelity and adultery.

(1000) – Origin in Italy as a decedent of the Novationists.

Eleventh Century

(1099) – First Crusade begins.

Twelfth Century

(1116) – Henry of Clugny begins ministry, starts Henricians.

(1126) – Peter de Bruys martyred, Petrobrussians begin.

(1147-1149) – Second Crusade

(1155) – Arnold of Brescia martyred, begin of the Arnoldists.

(1189) – Third Crusade.

Thirteenth Century

(1208-1238) – War on the Albigenses

(1231) – Beginning of the Papal Inquisition

(1300) – Origin of Picards, conversion of Walter Lollard.

Fourteenth Century

(1330) – Walter Lollard martyred. Beginning of the Lollards.

(1384) – Death of John Wycliffe.

(1400) – Sawtre martyred.

Fifteenth Century

(1409) – John Huss excommunicated for preaching the Gospel.

(1415) – John Huss martyred.

(1452) – Savonarola and two companions hanged and burnt.

(1478) – Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition.

Sixteenth Century

(1517) – Luther’s 95 Theses

(1520) – Anabaptists Emerge in Switzerland.

(1525) – Swiss Anabaptists break with Zwingli.

(1528) – Balthasar Hubmaier, Swiss Anabaptist leader, strangled.

(1530) – Waldenses merge with the Reformation movement, loose “Baptist” status.

(1533) – Calvin emerges as a Reformer.

(1534) – Luther’s German Bible

(1536) – Menno Simons, Anabaptist leader in Germany.

(1542) – Beginning of the Roman Inquisition

(1559) – Royal edict punishing Anabaptists (and Reformers) with death.

(1564) – Calvin dies.

Seventeenth Century

(1611) – Authorized King James Version published

(1611) – Organization of the first General Baptist church in England by Thomas Helwys.

(1630) – General Baptists and Particular Baptists (Calvinistic Baptists) emerge.

(1637) – First Baptist Church in America, founded by John Clarke.

(1640) – Particular Baptist church founded in

(1651) – Obadiah Holmes beaten in Boston

(1655) – Massacre of the Waldensians

(1657) – John Bunyan ordained.

Eighteenth Century

(1707) – Organization of the Philadelphia Baptist Association

(1708) – First Baptist church in Connecticut founded by Valentine Wightman.

(1739) – American Baptists split into Regular and Separate Baptists, over the Great Awakening

(1755-75) – Separatist Baptist Revival in the American South, led by Shulbal Stearns.

(1780) – Freewill Baptists organized.

(1781) – Lewis Craig and his church travel to Kentucky.

(1783) – William Carey baptized.

(1792) – London Baptist Missionary Society founded.

(1792) – William Carey founds “The Particular Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen”

(1792 – 1802) – The Second Great Awakening.

Nineteenth Century

(1802) – Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society founded.

(1812) – Adoniram Judson convinced of the Scriptural truth of believer’s baptism.

(1814) – Triennial Convention founded.

(1815) – Lott Carey organizes the Richmond African Baptist Missionary Society.

(1817) – Issac McCoy begins mission work to American Indians.

(1821) – Lott Carey departs for mission work in Sierra Leone.

(1845) – American Baptists split into Northern and Southern, Southern Baptist Convention forms.

(1850) – Bible revision controversy.

(1850) – Spurgeon begins his ministry.

(1848) – First Baptist church in Sweden.

(1858) – Third Great Awakening begins as the Fulton Street Prayer Revival.

(1881) – Westcott and Hort’s corrupted Revised Version.

(1889) – Southern Baptists begin missionary work in Japan.

Twentieth Century

(1910) – Five fundamentals defined by the General Assembly of the Northern Presbyterian Church

(1920) – Beginning of the Independent Baptist movement.

(1948) – “New Evangelicalism” defined by Harold Ockenga.

(1950) – Fundamentalism has become largely a Baptist movement.


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Updated: February 24, 2015 — 1:46 AM