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Tag: KJV
The Epistle Dedicatory to the King James Bible
In the Epistle Dedicatory, the translators of the King James Bible dedicated their work to King James. It also gives a brief glimpse into the translation process. Unfortunately, the Dedicatory is not found in many KJV’s today. Interested readers are also encouraged to read the Translators to the Reader, the original preface to the KJV. TO […]
The Translators to the Reader The Original KJV Preface
The Translators to the Reader is the original preface to the King James Bible, written by it’s translators. This is found in very few print editions of the KJV today. See also the Epistle Dedicatory . The Translators to the Reader The Best Things Have Been Calumniated Zeal to promote the common good, whether it […]
God’s Preserved Word Through manuscript evidence and translations, answers the question: "Where is it?"
God's Preserved Word When the devil tempted Jesus to turn rocks into bread, our Savior responded with “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matt 4:4). Therefore, we must live by every word of God. But, in order to do this, we […]